Service providers
Oldenfelder Bogen 31
22143 Hamburg
Contact options
E-mail address:
Phone: +49 (0)40 411 896-0
Fax: +49 (0)40 411 896-22
Authorized representatives
Authorized representative: Goran Curic (Managing Director)
Information about the company
VAT identification number (VAT ID): DE815806232
register and register number
commercial register
Held at: Hamburg District Court
Number: HRB 155644
Liability and property rights notices
Disclaimer: The contents of this website have been created carefully and according to our current state of knowledge, but are for information purposes only and have no legally binding effect, unless they are legally required information (e.g. the imprint, the privacy policy, general terms and conditions or mandatory instructions for consumers). We reserve the right to change or delete the contents in whole or in part, as long as contractual obligations remain unaffected. All offers are non-binding and subject to change.
Links to external websites: The content of external websites to which we refer directly or indirectly is outside our area of responsibility and we do not claim ownership of them. We accept no responsibility for any content or disadvantages that arise from the use of the information available on the linked websites.
Development & Construction
Sheet metal processing
Surface treatment
Transport & Shipping
We are ISO 9001 certified and an environmental partner of the city of Hamburg.